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Saturday, January 16, 2010

........ Saturday..... What a Fail!?!

So, yeah..... today had the possibility of being one of the best i've had in a long long time...... the chance of getting to see Mackenzie kept me going.

The day started off really well, she got her phone back (officially) and we both thought that this meant we would be able see each other.

Community service this morning was super easy, and we got 3 hours Woot woot , only like 27 or so more to go..... i'm not sweatin it.

Than a band meeting at Chester's house..... didn't really get much accomplished..... but we ended up going to play basketball, and just so u know my height advantage helped out significantly. But, then we played around the world..... Which i sucked at HORRIBLY...Kyle won........ i dont know how but he did....... he claims its the 1/16 black in him, none of us did good, he just did the least worst.

So yeah.... than i got a dreaded text message while playing around the world...... it basically said, that her parents were parents are being complete and total dickholes..... yeah not dicks, or assholes, dickholes.........they pretty much said that since she got her phone back that she's not gonna be able to don ANYTHING for atleast another month..... which means i dont get to see her for 4 more weeks atleast, you have no clue how depressing this is.

Well, by now ur probably sick of hearing me express my dearest depression over the internet...... so im gonna leave you all to your business and go back to playing madden with kyle...... PEACE OUT

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